Monday, March 9, 2009

Drip, Drip, Drip

On Saturday Brent decided that the drains in the house needed to be cleared. He started with the kids bathroom where he cleaned out disgusting old hair from the drain, then moved to our shower where he found more hair, of course this is not disgusting because it was mine. Then he thought, how about the kitchen?? Here he found the wood under the sink soaked! Hmmm, maybe a problem here?? By the time he got to this sink it was dinner time and I was trying to get dinner on the table and here he is fiddling with the faucet, turning the water on...turning the water off...finally I got dinner ready and we sat. Not for long though because when Brent has an issue he has to devote all his energy to fixing He called our neighbor for a second opinion. It was finally decided that the old faucet was dead. (Picture Amy doing a happy dance, in her head of course). I really did not like the old faucet! However, now it was closing in on 7pm and out I go to Lowes. It would have been nice to have more time to really think about what I wanted, but here I am alone in the hardware store staring up at multiple faucets. Once I narrowed it down to the brand and color I had three choices. Low price, medium price and high which one did I like?? Of course the one down the way in the "special" section where there is not a faucet under $400...but I kept myself in the reality zone and bought......

TWO! I could not decide so I came home with two different ones. Once again we called on our neighbors to help decide what looked better and then that nice, nice man helped Brent install the new one!

I guess my tampering to get a new faucet worked...what I can I move on to next?? HA! Just kidding, it is nice when what you wish for comes true, even if it is a kitchen faucet.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The situation reminds me of my wish for a new car--1993 Intrepid--to replace the Dodge Caravan. Bob didn't think we needed a new vehicle, BUT he then had an accident with the van & I got my new Intrepid.

Enjoy the new faucet!