Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Visting the OC

The kids are finally on the mend. Andrew ran a high fever Sunday evening and still had stomach issues Monday but was well enough to head down the mountain for a day of visits to our old home. We started at the Montessori school the kids had attended since they were 3-4 months old. The teachers were excited and surprised to see their old students.

Mom headed off to Fashion Island with the boys while I visited with some collegues on campus. I was so happy to see and talk with them again.

We quickly headed to Fullerton to drop mom off for doctor appointments and I took the boys to see their old park up the hill from our home, visit our old neighbors and see our good friends the Thorne's. By that time mom was done and we met my brother and family friend for dinner at the Spaghetti Factory. The kids love riding the elevator up and looking down on the trains.

A quick visit to Jason's new apartment ended the day and we headed back up the mountain. Nathan fell asleep in the car and Andrew slept until 8am!!

Today mom and I went back to the gym and dad took the boys to the coffee shop. They made a quick trip home where Nathan got his finger smacked with the door (I don't think a day will go by that someone does not have some issue!). The kids attended a day camp at the Club, it was a pirate theme and we headed off to the movies for a break.

Off to the desert tomorrow and I am sure lot's more adventure!

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