Sunday, January 18, 2009

Free Pre-K starts

This is the first of a few posts since I have not kept up very well. After taking a year off from all day preschool, Nathan is now back to school for the day....ALL DAY, everyday 9-3! Well, he has only had one day so far, but he seemed quite happy and excited to be at the big school with Andrew. Florida has a Voluntary Pre-K program that schools can adopt that allows residents to use one time for their children to go prior to entering kindergarten. We ahve finally found something that we like that Florida does. Windermere Elementary chose to run two sessions in the year and we chose to enroll Nathan is the second one so that he only has summer as a break before starting Kindergarten. The best part is that it is completly FREE! We have not had a monthly daycare bill since March 2002, however, since I am not working we are not really bringing in more money, but as I keep telling Brent I can never get this time back to be with my kids. Very soon they will be too busy to want to be home with us. Already they beg to play outside with a neighbor for a couple of hours everyday. It is strange to have the house so quiet for that time. Brent is actually watching a football game.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

All day Pre-K getting high ratings from Nathan & Mom and her "free" time?