Friday, August 8, 2008

Back to Florida

I would say "home again" but I have not lived here long enough to feel like I was coming home. Rather, I felt like I was coming back to where my husband and possessions are located. The two flights went well, they showed Kung Foo Panda on the first flight and I thought "Great! The kids will watch!", ha, jokes on me, they had no interest in the movie so I had to keep them entertained for that flight. Andrew kept up his multiple trips to the bathroom, which was fine since that would keep him occupied for 5-10 minutes each time. He went no less than 6 times for the first flight and about the same on the second.

We are now back into our pre-vacation mode of going to the gym in the morning and doing various activities in the afternoon. One more week and school starts on the 18th!!

I realized that since I took all the pictures on vacation it did not look like I was there, so we finally took one on our last day.

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