Thursday, August 21, 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away...

School is closed again for tomorrow...we have had the strongest winds today along with the most rain so far. Hopefully this slow moving storm called Fay creeps away over tomorrow, the kids are asking where we can move that does not have rain! Orlando is getting the brunt of the swirl off the storm. We definitely have not had as much rain as the coast, but it is still hard to be stuck at home with both kids when they are so excited to get back to school. Maybe a movie tomorrow if I think the roads are ok. Usually I like to bake when it is raining, however, on Tuesday when the kids were home I tried to make a Cheerio/marshmallow/chocolate dessert (like Rice Krispy Treats), but I burned myself with the marshmallow...don't even ask how, but I have a blister on my fingers and a burn mark on my face...yes, my face, right by my eye. Suffice it to say the kids are not real interested in baking after seeing me scream and run to the sink for cold water.

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