Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Wine Cellar, The Park and The Golf Course

Big Sunday in CA today. After church my dad headed back to the desert to pick up some things my mom forgot and we took the kids home for lunch. After rest time the kids wanted to play in the wine cellar, they served us lunch and dinner. I thought we needed some time outside so we took the golf cart to the park that is across from the UCLA Conference Center. The kids played in the water and at the park. We met dad at home and decided to take the kids out on the "big" golf course to see how Grandma and Papa play. I think Andrew enjoyed cleaning the balls as much as putting on the green. Pictures of all events below. It is now 8pm and the kids have not eaten since 11:30am and the pizza just went in the can guess their moods at this time.

Follow up...Nathan did not even make it through dinner, he wanted to go to bed.


B Kerr said...

Poor kid..... trying to starve him? Nathan needs his food!

Unknown said...

The Southern California vacation has been VERY BUSY! Have a restful, safe trip back to Florida. Mom Kerr